REDEKOP Family Environmental Research Grants for PhD Students
Thanks to a generous gift from the Redekop family, CEGU offers funding awards for Ph.D. research projects engaged with CEGU themes, including socio-environmental studies, urban environmental studies, energy histories and geographies, environmental humanities, and more. University of Chicago Ph.D. students across all disciplines can apply for funding up to $5,000 per person.
Grants can be used to cover field work related expenses including travel costs, access to archival or digital materials, interview compensations, and other research-related expenses. Preference will be given to students who are pursuing the CEGU Doctoral Certificate, and to those who have not previously received funding. Please bear in mind that our funding is limited and that applying to a CEGU grant does not preclude you from applying for funding from other sources at the University and beyond.
To apply, please submit a CV, short proposal of your research (max 500 words), rationale for funding (max 250 words), a budget request detailing expense item(s) and amounts, and one (1) letter of recommendation from your home department. Applications are reviewed once a year in Spring Quarter.
Under exceptional (time-sensitive) circumstances, we can consider requests for funding to support doctoral projects outside the standard period of review for the Redekop Doctoral Fellowship. To submit such a request, please contact Tess Conway (
2023 Recipients
Ian Cipperly, “Multivalent Approaches to the Anthropocene: Finding Answers in the Memefication of Sacred Aesthetics”
Zachary Klamann, “Power Crisis: The Roots of South Africa’s Electricity and Democratic Crises”
Margot Lurie, “The Diffusion of State Power: Rural Electrification in the United States”
Reed McConnell, “The Toxic Sea: Imagining Environmental Futures in Late Industrial California”
Maureen McCord, “The Developmental State and the Transformation of Bombay, c.1665-1785”
Alyssa Mendez, “Wind Resistance: Contesting Post-Carbon Futures in Post-Crisis Greece”
Sachaet Pandey, “Tremors of the Anthropocene: Hydroelectric Reason and the Industrialization of Modern India”
Camilo Ruiz Tassinari, “Mexican Light and Power: The Political Economy of Electricity in 20th Century Mexico”
Joshua Silver, “Salmon Fishing in Chicago”
Ricardo Soler Rubio, “Mineral Extractivism in Latin America: Aesthetic Legacies of Colonial Violence”
Alaina Wibberly, “Cartographies of Capture: From Extraction to Surveillance in the Sonoran Borderlands”